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GET /v1/rooms/:id

The GET /v1/rooms/:id endpoint allows you to get the details of a specified room associated with your account.

HTTP Method
URL Parameters
id: UUID;
Response Body Format
uuid: UUID;
name: string;
created: ISODateString;
updated: ISODateString;
status: "Creating" | "Default" | "Waiting" | "Typing" | "Error" | "InitialNoteError" | "Manual" | "TranscriptionError";
backchannelingEnabled: boolean;
nomis: Array<{
uuid: UUID;
gender: "Male" | "Female" | "Non Binary";
name: string;
created: ISODateString;
relationshipType: "Mentor" | "Friend" | "Romantic";
note: string;
Error Response Types
RoomNotFoundThe specified room was not found. It may not exist or may not be associated with this account.
InvalidRouteParamsThe id parameter is not a valid UUID.