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POST /v1/rooms/:id/chat/request

The POST /v1/rooms/:id/chat/request endpoint allows you to request that the specified Nomi post a message to the room.

HTTP Method
URL Parameters
id: UUID;
Request Body Format
nomiUuid: UUID;
Response Body Format
replyMessage: {
uuid: UUID;
text: string;
sent: ISODateString;
Error Response Types
RoomNotFoundThe specified room was not found. It may not exist or may not be associated with this account.
RoomNomiNotFoundThe specified Nomi is not found within the specified room.
InvalidRouteParamsThe id parameter or the nomiId parameter is not a valid UUID.
InvalidContentTypeThe Content-Type header is not application/json.
NoReplyThe Nomi did not reply. This is rare but will occur if there is a server issue or if the nomi does not respond within 15 seconds.
InsufficientPlanUser plan is not entitled to room feature.
RoomStillCreatingImmediately after the creation of a room, there is a short period of several seconds before any messages can be sent to the room.
RoomNomiNotReadyForMessageThe Nomi is already replying a user message and so cannot reply to this message.