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POST /v1/rooms

The POST /v1/rooms endpoint creates a room with one or more nomis from your account.

HTTP Method
Request Body Format
name: string; // 100 characters max
note: string; // 1,000 characters max
backchannelingEnabled: boolean;
nomiUuids: Array<UUID>; // min 1 nomi, max 10 nomis
Response Body Format
uuid: UUID;
name: string;
created: ISODateString;
updated: ISODateString;
status: "Creating" | "Default" | "Waiting" | "Typing" | "Error" | "InitialNoteError" | "Manual" | "TranscriptionError";
backchannelingEnabled: boolean;
nomis: Array<{
uuid: UUID;
gender: "Male" | "Female" | "Non Binary";
name: string;
created: ISODateString;
relationshipType: "Mentor" | "Friend" | "Romantic";
note: string;
Error Response Types
InsufficientPlanUser plan is not entitled to room feature.
InvalidContentTypeThe Content-Type header is not application/json.
ExceededRoomLimitAccount exceed maximum room limit. Right now user with subscription can have up to 10 rooms.
RoomNomiCountTooSmallnomiUuids should contain at least 1 valid UUID from Nomis associated with this account.
RoomNomiCountTooLargenomiUuids should contain at most 10 valid UUID from Nomis associated with this account.
NoteNotAcceptedThere was an issue with your room note and we could not create your room. Please revise the note and try again.
NoResponseFromServerThe server did not respond to the note update request. This is rare but will occur if there is a server issue or if the server does not respond within 20 seconds.
InvalidBodyIssue will be detailed in the errors.issues key, but there is an issue with the request body. This can happen if any required keys is missing, character limit, or nomiUuids does not contain exact one UUID.